HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTION2024-01-11T14:37:40+01:00

Housing and Construction


JAGA MISSION – Transforming Lives, Leaderships, and Liveability

By |April 21st 2022|

The Indian state of Odisha has initiated a slum upgrading programme that acknowledges residents as city makers. Preeti Prada Panigrahi presents its advantages and successes.


Urban Labs in Latin America: Participatory and Effective Interventions

By |April 4th 2022|

A strategy for planning that ensures to include citizens and addresses several challenges at once, urban labs can be found in many cities in Latin America. Simone Sandholz, Lucas de Carvalho Turmena, Jorgelina Hardoy, and Florencia Almansi with some examples from urban labs in Latin America.


Transforming Our Cities by Addressing Gender Deficit in Land Titles in Brazil

By |April 1st 2022|

Can we transform our cities by addressing the gender insecurity and inadequacy women face? In the northeast state of Pernambuco in Brazil, Espaço Feminista reflects on lessons learned from fighting for women’s land rights by achieving land regularisation in informal settlements.

Infographics: Urbanisation and Urban Development in Bangladesh

By |March 10th 2022|

URBANET presents another country series, inviting readers to learn about urbanisation and urban development in Bangladesh! We kick off our focus weeks with a set of infographics. We offer you facts and figures from this young nation, where rapid urbansiation has been presenting urban planners and policymakers with various challenges and potentials alike.

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