HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTION2024-01-11T14:37:40+01:00

Housing and Construction

Urban Slums in Nigeria: Ensuring Healthy Living Conditions

By |October 25th 2018|

Many of Lagos’ residents live in informal settlements with no or limited access to basic services. With new immigrants arriving from rural areas every day, pressure increases on the already poor living conditions. Comprehensive action is needed to tackle interconnected social, environmental and health issues, says Olaoluwa Pheabian Akinwale.

Shortcomings of Brazil’s Minha Casa, Minha Vida Programme

By |September 27th 2018|

Brazil's social housing programme Minha Casa, Minha Vida prides itself on having delivered an enormous amount of affordable housing. But putting a roof over people's heads is not sufficient if the settlements are located on the far outskirts of a city, depriving residents of access to urban resources, claims Clarisse Cunha Linke.

Room for Improvement: How to (Better) Integrate Housing and Labour Markets

By |September 19th 2018|

Housing and labour are mutually dependent, but their connection is overlooked in economic policies most of the time. Edmundo Werna, Ramin Keivani and Youngha Cho argue that a closer look and a different understanding of how the two markets are linked will lead to more effective solutions and better housing and livelihood conditions, especially in the Global South.

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