HOUSING AND CONSTRUCTION2024-01-11T14:37:40+01:00

Housing and Construction

Lessons Learnt – Localising the SDGs in Egypt’s Urban Development

By |November 26th 2019|

For decades, Egypt has been suffering from uncontrolled urbanisation and low quality of urban life. Solving these issues requires collaboration between relevant stakeholders at global, national, and local level. Dr. Hassan Elmouelhi highlights some of the attempts to link these different stakeholders in the field of urban development.

The Future is Community-led: How People Are Improving Their Neighbourhoods Across Africa

By |May 16th 2019|

All across Africa, the most rapidly urbanising continent, locals are taking action to improve their neighbourhoods and get access to adequate housing and services. Leading up the UN Habitat Assembly, URBANET presents examples from Senegal, Uganda, and Zimbabwe.

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